
This web page is a simple experiment, to see what's what with the offered web site, here on, for January, 2023.

nisanth gopher

In January of 2023 I had no problem with the 'validate' instructions in the free shell acount, other than accessing the web page that was supposed to provide the paypal button.

Since it was unavailable (it was 'down') I took a chance on the instructions (found in the shell account itself) that gave a legit paypal email address, to be used to validate.

It worked just fine—and in fact, the turn-around time was less than 24 hours… and on a weekend. ;)

  falstad rail blinker A-aa-

  falstad rail blinker A-bb-

  falstad rail blinker A-cc-

  falstad rail blinker A-dd-   w/labels

  falstad rail blinker A-ee-   ac ammeter

  falstad rail blinker A-ff-   ac ammeter

  falstad rail blinker A-gg-   ac ammeter feed resistor

  falstad rail blinker A-hh-   first symmetry

  falstad rail blinker A-ii-   first symmetry ii

  falstad rail blinker A-jj-   first symmetry ii

  falstad rail blinker A-kk-   reset some parm hi symm

  falstad rail blinker A-ll-   reset some parm hi symm

  falstad rail blinker A-mm-   hvll triangle lo pwr

  falstad rail blinker A-nn-   s948 triangle hi pwr


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oddword: corite kelfar

timestamp: Mon May 20 19:33:36 UTC 2024